7 Reasons to RE-Elect Criminals to our Skagit county”
I was watching the Sedro Woolley 4th of July parade, which most candidates had been forced to avoid due to Discrimination, $35 dollar entry fee to advertise your business but $500 if you are advertising yourself as a candidate in Skagit county. I was wondering about the upside-down reasoning that has crept into our county when a young man walked up and said why don’t you re-elect criminals for Skagit offices in November?
As a candidate for sheriff of Skagit county, I was lost for words as the young man handed me a yellow flyer with the same title, “Seven Reasons to Re-Elect Criminals to Skagit County Offices!” The parade droned on with the hum of 18-wheelers and I continued to read.

Skagit Peers we the people
I jumped up and began to shout, “This is why I am running for Sheriff of Skagit county”, I waved the yellow flyer and danced as the band played God Bless America!”
Clear as day there it was, SIX of the Skagit elected officials have VIOLATED THEIR OATH OF OFFICE, COMMITTED CRIMES AGAINST SKAGIT RESIDENTS, secretly made decisions to hide what they were doing from the very people that elected them, and now they want us to vote for them AGAIN! Corruption is rampant in Skagit County, from the Courthouse to the outhouse!
Secret Meetings to Keep Us in the Dark? Secret Meetings, secret votes, no public invited…
One of the crimes involved our military boys and girls overseas, It is questionable if their votes were even counted. And the law states that their votes and data will be kept for 22 months after the election… These six officials are above the law they destroyed any evidence that our young military ever voted, their votes and data have all been thrown away, destroyed!
They offer their lives and we can’t count their votes?
All six officials, Sandra Perkins, Rich Weyrich, Lisa Janicki, Peter Browning, Ron Weson and Don McDermott have allowed these crimes to go on for 17 years without being challenged, violating the Open Meetings Act so We the People will not know that we are still the employer.
The Secretary of the State of Washington says these miscreants have continually broke the laws of this state since 2005! This flyer was printed by skagitresidents.com
I happen to attend the Skagit Court house the next 2 days and there on the bulletin board was a yellow flyer, 7 Reasons to Elect Criminals! At a Skagit town post office I entered and there on the bulletin board was another yellow flyer. I am proud I am not ALONE, We the people still care for law and order!
I applaud all residents and groups that believe we should live by the Constitution and preserve Skagit county for our children.

Constitutional sheriff
My name is Kevin Ewing, I am running for Skagit county Sheriff. I am a Skagit resident, an American that has studied the Constitution for 45 years, still teaching the Constitution for 20 years.
I am going to use all of my experience and constitutional history to hold Skagit officials accountable when they deal with You the People.
I not only believe in the 2nd Amendment but in the entire constitution. My job is and will always be: to protect your home, business, and body from foreign and domestic enemies. With every breath and your vote, write it in stone, I am here to serve you in a lawful manner that preserves your rights, life, and happiness.
We have to preserve Skagit county for our children as well as our way of life.
I will not tolerate this conduct in Skagit county after I am sworn in next January. I have approved of this campaign message.