Skagit Peers declare a forensic audit is needed to purify voter rolls and voting procedures.
Washington Election Integrity Coalition United, WEiCU pronounced (We See You) is a Washington state non-profit, comprised of election integrity investigators, data analytic specialists, and cyber security experts. We are proud to join forces with other election integrity groups who are also committed to transparent, trackable, secure and publicly verified elections.
Until we have Transparent, Secure & Verified Elections, we will be vigilant.
SKAGIT PEERS ANNOUNCES action for Election Integrity Coalition United, Tuesday night at 7 PM at the Fredonia Grange.
(1225 McFarland Rd, Mt Vernon, WA 98273) who will share how we will restore our voting system and integrity by joining force with several other counties and over 200,000 Washington Peers that want to save America for our children! Washington Election Integrity Coalition United, WEiCU gives you an opportunity to make your voice be heard in demanding that our elections are transparent, secure AND publicly verified in your county and WA state overall. Our Washington state and National constitutions provide for WE THE PEOPLE to demand an audit of our choice. There has never been a better junction in time to exercise this privilege than NOW! Here is a preview of Tuesday night!

Skagit Peers Republic
Election transparency and public oversight are paramount to a free Republic.
We are committed to the restoration of transparent, secure and publicly verifiable elections. We have evidence from all over the state of voter/election irregularities, justifying the registered voters of this state to demand a full forensic audit of THEIR election. To this end, WEiCU is leading the effort to sue on behalf of Washingtonians so they can find out the truth as to whether their elections have integrity and where they are found lacking that we may be equipped with the evidence to affect the change needed to restore confidence that our votes are counted as cast.
There have been several forensic audits that have revealed massive election irregularities. Arizona audits, Lindel Symposium, Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, Bennie Smith, programmer & software developer, Draza Smith M.S. Cyber Engineering, all conclude severe manipulations of voting machines, ballots and elections occurred under supervised human and computer intervention.
Washington needs a forensic audit as preliminary tests show that our state was included in someone choosing winners that was not confirmed by legitimate voters.
The need for an audit is not to be confused with a ballot recount. An audit is only to detect irregularities, and correct them before the next election. We the People have the ability to call for a forensic audit to cure the Security Breaches in our current voting system.
There are several proposals for the inconsistencies that have been uncovered in the 2020 election.
AIR GAP myth; our election system is that voting machines are “air gapped”. In other words, they are neither networked together nor connected to the internet – rather the local data is recorded on a medium such as a memory stick or CD and transported to a central location where it is loaded onto a computer which “tabulates” or adds up the votes.
Next is Gem tabulator; A vote manipulation technique, GEMS central tabulator program is incorrectly designed and highly vulnerable to fraud. Election results can be changed in a matter of seconds. corroborated by

Skagit County with Skagit Valley
formal studies (RABA) and by Diebold’s own internal memos.
Fraction Magic Votes are being counted as fractions instead of as whole numbers. Studies found that a fractional vote feature is embedded in each GEMS application which can be used to invisibly, yet radically, alter election outcomes by pre-setting desired vote percentages to redistribute votes. This tampering is not visible to election observers, even if they are standing in the room and watching the computer. Use of the decimalized vote feature is unlikely to be detected by limited auditing as it can occur across the district in 60 seconds.
Weighted election Weighted voting is a commonly-used voting method modifier that allows certain individuals more or less influence over voting outcomes. This is accomplished by assigning voters different levels of influence or “weights”. The amount of influence given is typically related to the level of importance individuals hold within the organization. A simple
winning percentage is plugged into computer and
Gem tabulator takes over. Diebold (Dominion voting machines)”contractors,” who are temporary workers hired by subcontractors to Diebold were also reported to have gained access to the GEMS tabulator.
A vote manipulation technique has been found in the Diebold central tabulator. By entering a 2-digit code in a hidden location, a second set of votes is created. This set of votes can be changed, so that it no longer matches the correct votes. The voting system will then read the totals from the bogus vote set. It takes only seconds to change the votes, and to date not a single location in the U.S. has implemented security measures to fully mitigate the risks.
Es&s- Election Systems & Software (ES&S) The three largest voting manufacturing companies — Election Systems &Software, Dominion Voting Systems and Hart InterCivic — have acknowledged they all put modems in some of their tabulators and scanners to access the internet.
Dominion- Dominion Voting Systems Corp
Clear ballot– Solutions for election administrators with mail in ballots.
Hart voting machines are accused of “vote-flipping” with the Hart InterCivic eSlate, an electronic voting machine that’s been in use for nearly two decades. These machines are claimed to have the ability to erase audit trail…
All of these companies, acronyms, and programs are clustered together for a conglomerate voting mess that uses computers, people and circumstances to hoodwink the voter and manipulate votes for a predetermined winner.

Skagit Peers preserves freedom for our children
Every voter needs to be alarmed and in agreement that these issues need to be identified and corrected, with or without Legislature.
Washington Election Integrity Coalition United, WEiCU, has started a class action suit in Washington to insure that the forensic audit happens and true elections can once again occur in Skagit County.
A ground survey has revealed the 50 % of voters contacted were not qualified to vote in the last election in Skagit County.
- More votes cast than voters registered,
- More voters than legally allowed, (Don’t live in the state, district or county.)
- More voters voted than alive. (Dead before the election)
- Phantom voters that have no residence…
- Underage voters.
Given the political climate current reality trend, the country and this state may be lost for good unless we get elections right!
There is time to correct this time ticking bomb that would eliminate freedom as we know it.
JOIN 38 other counties to make a difference in Washington State
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