Tuesday, September 21 2021
Skagit Peers Meet for Vote
Fredonia Grange
1225 McFarland Rd,
Mt Vernon, WA 98273
7 PM -57 minutes
United we can avoid Armageddon
Come help us avoid the “disastrophy“!
We are taking action Tuesday night to change the county we live in. Tuesday night will be one of the most important nights in the next 234 years of Skagit county’s history of being a part of the Republic.
We need changes to occur quickly to preserve our way of life in Skagit Valley.
When the whistleblowers came to Skagit county from the state auditor’s office and told 500 Skagit valley residents how our votes were compromised by severe manipulations of voting machines, ballots that occurred under supervised human and computer intervention,
Then the another whistleblower from DMV told us how Washington State Department of licensing usurped the Washington and US constitutions by enrolling ineligible drivers as registered voters,
Then we heard from Skagit Valley canvassers that canvassed 1800 Skagit county voters to see if they voted in the 2020 election as the voter record had them counted as voters. (They were not asked who the voted for, Just did you vote?)
- There are segments of voters on an inactive list. (It means they haven’t voted in the last 6 years, turns out they all decided to vote last year…)
- There are voters, that do not legally reside here to be eligible to vote in Skagit county, (But they voted, permanent addresses in Germany, Costa Rica, Mexico, other US states etc.)
- There are voters that voted with no address. (No address ever given???)
- There are voters that voted that were dead before the early vote could be sent. (Dead months before the early voting date, they reached out from the grave and slipped their ballot into the box…)
- There are voters that are not citizens of the United States.
- There are phantom voters that live 12 to a one bedroom house.( No record of any of the 12 ever lived at the address, neighbors have only seen 1 or 2 residents)
- There are underage voters. (Teenagers that never voted, and still not old enough to vote had their names put on voter rolls without their knowledge and they still voted…)
- There are voters that live in the Library, the Park, in open fields that have never had a building.( Obviously thinking an address was needed, many lived in the zoo, under cardboard boxes etc.)
- And then there are voters that live in homes that have been abandoned for a full decade.
All of these voters cast their votes in the 2020 election, HOWEVER, 900 of the 1800 canvassed turned up to be illegal votes as referenced above.
It matters not if you are Democrat, Independent or Republican, if this news doesn’t boil your bowels for the compassion of LIBERTY, then you need to consider why we are the Greatest Republic that has ever thrived on the planet, and do we want to continue to live in our comfortable Liberties…
This announcement has nothing to do with trying to change the 2020 vote. The question is, we have to do something to restore voting integrity for our county, state and nation.
The best way to cure corruption is to shine a light on it. That is our purpose for Tuesday night. We propose ACTION and change before the meeting is over. We need a constitutional quorum to agree to the plan. We have a plan, if agreed and constitutionally endorsed.
What will we vote on?
- We the people demand a forensic audit, not to change the election but to highlight the irregularities so they can be fixed before the next election.
- We the people demand to see the evidence that the covid virus has ever been isolated.
- We the People of Skagit county upon agreement will form a Grand Jury to get the elected officials to supply answers to these questions or have them prosecuted for dereliction of duty.
234 years ago there were 39 men who stood and said We the People, hold these truths to be self evident… we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable Rights… and they signed their name on our constitution!

Skagit Peers candidate for Sheriff
Tuesday night we hope to have at least 39 women to make up the constitutional quorum
and then vote yes on the three agenda points above. Skagit Peers will proceed to have these points back constitutional before the 2022 election. If the men of this county would like to stand with us, we will welcome all neighbors who wants to see our way of life preserved for our children!
Skagit Peers proposes to join Washington with Arizona, Florida, Pennsylvania, Georgia and more states coming every week to demand that the elected officials allow us to restore voting integrity back to our homes. We hope the Skagit Sheriff will assist us, if not we will go to the highest court in the land.
ONLY WE the PEOPLE have the right to call for an audit. We are calling and voting for it Tuesday night, we need your vote! Come to the Fredonia Grange and vote.
52 USC 20701: Retention and preservation of records
Every officer of election shall retain and preserve, for a period of twenty-two months from the date of any general, special, or primary election of which candidates for the office of President, Vice President, presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, or Resident Commissioner from the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico are voted for…
Armageddon is upon us! We only have 10 ½ months to get our hands on the election records and papers and data which come into the auditors possession relating to any application, registration, of voters for the 2020 election. After 22 months the records are destroyed forever. If we don’t secure what the constitution say is ours then who will and when?
As we the people, nonpartisan neighbors know there is corruption. We intend to root it out . The formula is simple, Follow the money, thanks to new technologies, you don’t need a lot of money or power to bring corruption to light.
We are making sure that when we see corruption, we shine a light on it!
Arizona Election Results Audit Finds ‘Significant Discrepancies,’ Ballots Off By Up To 17.5%, Joe Biden ‘Likely Did Not Win’.
Arizona audit spreading mistrust in election process across the country, officials declare.
We continued to see more and more censorship of the truth, slandering of credible professionals, and bogus excuses from the government and the courts, we understand that this election was compromised and it’s another deep-state plot.
The best remedy for corruption is to turn a light on the act.
We are looking for patriots that are consumed with finding out what the truth is. And collectively, we all are the only chance that we’ve got in getting the message out, for the sake of our children.
Afterall it wasn’t :
- Identifying markings on the ballots or
- “watermarks”
- It is A secret printer identifying protocol that was established quite a while ago by the Secret Service to help nab counterfeiters.
- This matrix decodes the placement of the markings and reveals the precise identity of the printer by serial number along with the exact date and time the document was printed, which is exactly what they will be looking for during the audit!
- Cyber-flipping votes, tabulations sent to voting machine manufacturers after the vote by internet (after the election is closed, then the machines are plugged in.)
- The irregularities and outright fraud of the 2020 election are an open wound to the United States of America. Something must be done—immediately!”
- Evidence that the 2020 election was not only tampered with, but was actually overthrown.”
- “How many people were involved in these efforts to undermine the election? Hundreds? Thousands? More? How many people does it take to carry out a coup? Follow the “Power”.

Grandparents are Skagit Peers
Skagit Peers wants to know who this small group of self appointed felons are that has orchestrated these election atrocities, find out exactly how they did it and permanently stop them from ever doing it again! Every state, every county in the United States was manipulated with a 2010 census program to render an election for predetermined candidate(s).
We are not trying to decertify the 2020 election. We are trying to restore confidence in our future elections and Republic.
We can’t keep doing what we’ve been doing… WHICH IS NOTHING! We can’t keep running trillion-dollar deficits year after year after year… We need to resist. We need a new generation of leadership in Washington to call out all this corruption and end it!
Your commitment as a Skagit Peer is needed Tuesday night to show your support for a constitutional vote to start change this night!
Can you afford 57 minutes to secure your children and grandchildren’s future in Skagit county?
Come help us hold the light…
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