Can I be a Skagit Peer

Skagit Peers County
is not coming from a Skagitonian, Skagit resident, Skagit person or even a temporary visitor.
The call came from Carl of Dallas, Texas. “I have never been to Washington state but a friend in Skagit county sent me the website,, I thought I was alone crying in the wilderness because our country is so far off the rails, but in less than 15 minutes reading your Blog about Skagit Peers, I want to support this movement! Is it possible to start a Texas Peers sister organization here?”
Ben from Utopia, TX texted. “I have been in this opposition since before the Tea Party! I am surprised and glad to hear of a movement that is surviving outside the local county to restore the constitution! Count me in!!!”
Randy from Knoxville Tennessee, wrote, “WOW, Can I join, I want to live on your website, the news is current, applicable to the nation and your county. Congratulations on a movement that includes action!”
Chuck from Norman, Oklahoma said, “My sister told me she was a Skagit Peer, then sent me the website after I scolded her to be careful about joining a radical group. I was amazed, who ever heard of a non-partisan movement that wanted to restore government BACK to the Constitution for the benefit of our children’s future? I don’t want to wait for her answer, so can I be a Skagit Peer?
Do you allow affiliate chapters to the Skagit Peers?”

Skagit Peers Freedom
Ann from Rupert, Idaho wrote, “What a novel idea, forget Washington DC, they will never correct themselves, but this movement, one county at a time will work in every state and eventually we will be WE the People AGAIN! Thanks for standing up for AMERICA!”
Karen from Reedsport, Oregon said “Douglas county has a bad rap similar to yours, primarily because it is in Oregon. We live near the water the same as you do in Skagit county. Reedsport is a family destination but the officials dictate like the children don’t matter.
These small people are our future, if we don’t give them back a constitutional guide, We the People are going to camps called ‘Rest Homes’ by mandate when we have a birthday, that they decide, that we are now in the way and no longer useful or in opposition to their agenda!!! I’m happy to be called your PEER!”
Tiffany from Kingston, Arkansas wrote, “My dear uncle, you know I am a widow at 35, with two small children and I see a wave of discontent, confusion and false teaching in school that I bitterly oppose. I had almost given up hope when you sent me the website, After spending time reading the website blog, I am naïve enough to believe a Skagit Peers organization can sprout and grow in Madison county, Arkansas just as well as it has in your home county. Can you help me get started?”

Skagit Peers children’s-freedom
Paul, Golden Gate, Florida wrote, “We have a program that works well in Collier county for the children, it is shepherded by the Sheriff . We learned that the communist takeover started with the children, Our children are learning Freedom in our county! This program teaches children two things from an early age;
- respect for the law and
- know the constitution.
Similar to your Skagit Peers approach we do get a few parent converts because the children bring their parents screaming, dragging their feet and rebelling until the child convinces mom and dad that it is the right thing to do… I support Skagit Peers in every way possible! GO CONSTITUTION”
Kavik, Klawok, Alaska wrote, “I live on Prince of Wales island, our traditions as natives are strong. However, I see outsiders do not live and believe in the same America that my father died for in Iraq. My children are being taught by outsiders the way of “Washington DC”, up is really down and down is really not boy or girl, today the child gets to choose…
My brother sent me a website that says what my father believed and died for, our constitution! Sign me up, I am convinced Skagit county reaches just 680 miles north to include Klawok!”
Alondra, from Caigua, Venezuela wrote, “ I cry as I read your Kevin Ewing’s words on the website, if only señor Ewing had lived in my small town of 8000 peoples, I wouldn’t be watching my family die of starvation. Venezuela was the richest nation in South America, until the politico convinced all of us that we didn’t have to go to work, the politico will feed and house you. WE VOTED AS FOOLS TO ELECT

Skagit Peers we the people
THESE STUPID IDEAS. Then they took our guns, then took our homes, fed us leftovers, then there was nothing.
We were stupid to think money grows on trees and we get to pick all we wanted.
Mi papa died of no food, mi mama’ lies in her bed unable to get up, mis hijos, my children watch as I divide my food among them so they can survive. If only señor Ewing had warned me that this could happen in my country, I wouldn’t be praying for a way to get to America. My teenage son no longer plays video games, no longer has his own phone, recently asked me, “Moma didn’t we have a constitution to protect us?”
I hung my head as I said, “Yes my son but your dad and I were too busy to learn it. None of our Friends cared about it, afterall, we lived in the greatest nation in all South America. We believed the politico would take care of everything, we were so wrong…”
Señor Ewing, you may print my, story maybe someone will read. I have no fear what político may do to me because death is dead either by them or no food. Hope died long ago when Venezuela gave it up for a lie when we didn’t take time to learn to say NO!”
These are but a few of the worldwide comments that have been inspired by Kevin Ewing and his vision for the children of Skagit county.
As a result of the formation of the Skagit Peers movement, Mr. Ewing has been engaged in various neighboring county meetings where he has been invited as the keynote speaker to reveal how other counties in Washington can become constitutional with the help of local Peers.
Because of the awakening throughout the nation that makes America no longer look like the flag waving, town square, patriotic home of Mom, apple pie and baseball,
Americans realize;
- that their family business has lost a lifetime of savings, and are filing bankruptcy because of an illegal mandate,
- that they are forced to wear a mask to be protected from a phantom virus that has yet to be isolated,
- they are told they must take a shot of an unrevealed cocktail of drugs or they cannot work, fly on a commercial flight, assemble in church or even go to an outdoor ballgame,
- that their children will be taught long before they comprehend, that they can choose to be a girl or a boy or a homosexual,
- that their children will be taught sex education STARTING IN KINDERGARTEN,
- that the parents needn’t worry about the child’s education because the parent will give up their jobs so their child can stay home from school to be taught remotely by a teacher of convenience,
- that they can’t buy groceries unless they have a PASSPORT that says they have been vaccinated!
SERIOUSLY! WE HAVE HEARD OF THE MARK OF THE BEAST, but this smells like the sewers of Washington DC and their attempt to overthrow our way of life!
Keven Ewing showed at the last meeting:
- “I get it that it is Summertime, and its nice out,
- I get it that we all have jobs, things to do and places to go,
- I get it that you have never read the constitution,
- I get it that your neighbor doesn’t care and thinks the government will take care of all his needs,
- I get it that Mom has her hands full just taking care of the children,
- I get it that one excuse is as good as another,
- But if you just sit back and just let it happen, IT WILL, then WE WILL JOIN Alondra, from Caigua, Venezuela, helpless, hungry and at the mercy of OUR VERY OWN indecision while POLITICO, called Washington DC. destroys the balance of America we cherish and hold dear.
We still have time, if you can’t imagine Alondra’s dilemma, then try not feeding your child one meal.
All we have to do now is agree NOT IN OUR COUNTY! If we tell our neighbors now to help do this for our children, if we tell our friends NOW to help do this for our children, if we tell our relatives
to help do this for our children,
Let’s save Skagit county for our children’s future, after all, our forefathers knew us not, but included us in the constitution when they said it ‘was for the generations yet to be born’! That includes you and me…
Join me August 24th, bring a friend, for the next chapter, “Together we can conquer this beast, United we Stand!”