Tuesday night is election integrity night. There is an action for Skagit County, join us.
Fredonia Grange
1225 McFarland Rd,
Mt Vernon, WA 98273
7 PM -57 minutes
Skagit, the constitutional county means NOTHING …
If we don’t restore election integrity in our current voting system.
It will be revealed what a forensic audit is and what happened in the last election and why we need to act now to restore election integrity for the next elections. This may be our last opportunity to keep Skagit Free. We invite everyone to join together to help save our county. The Washington Election Integrity Coalition United

Our Children’s Heritage
has convinced almost every county to join in the one action that is going correct Washington State’s election process. Ms Borrelli is going to tell the attendees at Tuesday night’s meeting how Skagit county can join the action to preserve our votes and our county.
If you live in Skagit county and you are serious about preserving our children’s heritage of a Free life in Skagit county to live with all of our Liberties, join us for 57 minutes of MAKING A DIFFERENCE THAT COUNTS!
Many Skagit Peers have asked if we will be an organization of ACTION. We need residents of Skagit county that want to make a difference to agree on Tuesday night that Skagit County will have an audit hearing, audit and complete the necessary changes before the next election. This is one vote that will be counted in your presence!
SKAGIT PEERS is proud to lead the movement to demand a forensic audit into our 2020 election.

Skagit Peers Freedom
Make an effort to show Washington state that Skagit dwellers lead the fight to keep our county constitutional. We must show up now when there is a movement we can join to take our idea of constitutional rule over to the winning side! We will never be able to have a constitutional sheriff and all eight elected county positions filled with constitutional officiating oath takers if we don’t correct the voting system. Tuesday night is not about changing the vote of the 2020 election. Tuesday is about preserving our TRUE vote. Last election in Skagit county was a farce. The polling in person of 1800 addresses of alleged voters determined that:
- some people that voted in Skagit county did not live here at vote time,
- some people that voted were dead before voting date,
- some people were too young to vote,
- some people that voted were note ineligible to vote, i.e. felon, illegal alien, had not lived here long enough,
- some people on the inactive voter roll for 6 years mysteriously voted and never received a ballot.
OK, so we are just talking about some, a few, not enough to matter, right?
WRONG! Over 900 of the 1800 votes verified were illegally counted in the last race.
NOW It is TME TO FIX this corruption before whoever is responsible has all our Liberty and our children are their slaves!
If these figures have your attention, COME Tuesday night and join the ACTION to Save Skagit county. If you care at all send this message to anther person in Skagit county and let them know WE ARE WIDE AWAKE and WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!
Invite a friend, a neighbor, a parent or even a grandparent that would like to keep Skagit from turning into Venezuela.
This is our, WE THE PEOPLE’S Skagit county. Don’t let it be stolen from us…