I am an American!
My name is Kevin Ewing. I am applying for the job to represent all Americans in Skagit County as sheriff for all parties and persuasions. I am nonpartisan. I am not a politician. I am not a public speaker but I know how to get the job done right.
On the road to today, my involvement in law enforcement has been limited. As a teenager, I respected law enforcement agencies with great awe and avoidance, testing them frequently as a teenager would. As a mature adult, my endorsement of these law enforcement agencies grew strong with interstate travel and business. I am dedicated to improving the relationship of our youth and the law enforcement agencies.
Today I offer change that will build our county and state into a legacy that will be enjoyed by our future generations to come.
In the state of Washington, there are no requirements of previous law enforcement experience to become a sheriff. There are some steps I must have or take in order to fulfill the office of Sheriff:
- I must have acquired common sense, business and society acumen,
- I must have an understanding of the Constitution of the united States and the state of Washington, ( I have taught classes on the Constitution for the past 21 months currently at the Burlington, WA library),
- After being elected, I must take the Oath of Office to support and defend the Constitution, which I will gladly do as I have in the past.
- Upon assuming the office of Sheriff, RCW 36.28.025 says I shall have, within twelve months of assuming office, a certificate of completion of a basic law enforcement training program that complies with standards adopted by the criminal justice training commission pursuant to RCW 43.101.080 and * 43.101.160.
- Then I must instruct my deputies to fulfill the 1st duty required of all sheriffs within Washington state. RCW 36.28.010,
The sheriff is the chief executive officer and conservator of the peace of the county. In the execution of my office, I or my deputies:
(1) Shall arrest and commit to prison all persons who break the peace, or attempt to break it, and all persons guilty of public offenses;
Skagit Peers’ candidate for sheriff
I will point out that this job will include the protection of your life, your family, your business and your property against all enemies, foreign or domestic, local or federal authorities. The sheriff’s job never has been “a roving band of traffic enforcers” commissioned to raise revenue for other elected officials to dispense at their leisure.
I propose to introduce a Junior Deputy program that has a 60 year tract record of success.
As part of my platform I will offer every boy and girl in Skagit County the ability to participate in the Skagit County Junior Deputy program to promote honesty, respect, the constitution, and the preservation of a lawful county. This program has produced less truancy, less juvenile delinquency, less drug abuse, and more high school graduates than in other of the 67 counties in the state of Florida. The population of Collier county is three times larger than Skagit county. As a sponsor of the Skagit County Junior Deputy program I propose to meet the children once a month introducing the Skagit outdoors, camping, fishing and recreation, of course parents are invited too. A 50 minute class will be held once a month with the sheriff, deputy and guest speakers.
- The Mission of the Skagit County Junior Deputies League is to prepare our Skagit County youth, in cooperation with the Skagit County Sheriff’s Office, to become responsible, law abiding citizens.