Peers of the People are We the People of the United States,
these are probably the most well known group of words from the Constitution that have ever been recited.

Skagit Peers
We the People were ordinary people made up of neighbors, friends and relatives that banded together for protection.
We the People are a family!
We the People decided to delegate a portion of our power to an agreed upon government, that we formed, for the purpose of:
- Negotiating trade
- Commerce and treaties (peace) with foreign countries
- Protection
We the people only delegated the power for these uses and RESERVED all the rest of our liberties, rights and freedom for ourselves and our children.
We the People delegated this authority on a temporary basis with the understanding that the newly formed government was our employee.
We the people reserved all of our God given rights that remain unalienable to this day.

Skagit Peers County
As government gained politicians that reveled in power trips, We the people began to notice our employee, (the government) started taking part of our rights and freedoms through taxation, illegal mandates, unlawful laws and intimidation.
Government has grown to be the oppessor, ruling We the People through fear.
Now 234 years after Peers of the People in order to form a more perfect union declared to the world that we were free and a Republic, we find the Spirit of oppression has trickled down to our county government. Local government feels they can mandate laws, make rules that violate our national and state constitutions, which is the supreme law of the land.
We the People have identified ourselves as Peers of Skagit county. Watchdogs or Skagit Peers of Liberty in our county.
We as Skagit Peers have the full authority as We the People to recognize that power engorged politicians of every party have lied to us before every election since the first party was formed 193 years ago.
No law is valid unless it is passed by the state or national legislature.
We the People consent to legislated law only as we defined it in the Constitution for the United States of America
Thomas Jefferson said it best when describing a check on government by a sheriff… “we bound government down by the chains of the Constitution”.
All other decrees, mandates, laws, executive orders are null and void on their face, and therefore unlawful.

Skagit Peers we the people
Executive orders by the president are valid laws only for military or government employees.
Executive orders by the governor are valid laws for the State guard and state employees only.
The Constitution was intended to define the power of government over the citizenry and define the power of each branch of government.
With the rise of corruption, lobbyist, and politicians willing to sell out their constituents, We the People, so they can fleece America and become rich by their elected office, we find that We the people have failed the Constitution. As Skagit Peers we are correcting this failure by starting on a county level to educate our inhabitants of our duty to restore this county back to a constitutional county with officials that will abide by their oath of office or be prosecuted for the violation of their oath.
Peers of the People declare Skagit County a constitutional county for our children’s future! Become a Skagit Peer, (leave your email in the “Submit Box to the right) joining your neighbors, relatives and friends to Save the County our children will call home?