Skagit Peers Helper


Skagit Peers is a grassroots movement to insure that our children will live in a county that will be restored to a constitutionally governed county so that they can raise their children with the same guarantee of the Rights and Liberties that we inherited. A contribution of $5 is the essence of energy of this nonpartisan group promoting FREEDOM for our children!


Become a Skagit Peer Today


Skagit Peers Helper is our Life’s blood. We are the parents, grandparents, friends and neighbors to the children of Skagit county. They look to us now to teach and protect them. Tomorrow these same children will be all that stands between us and those that would steal the rights and liberties of their children …and…our Liberties as their grandparents. These children are our future! IT IS OUR DUTY to Pay It Forward! 

$5 Become a Skagit Peers Helper today