My platform is simple!
Crisscrossing the county, while shaking hands, the question is always asked, “What are your plans to change the county?”
ALWAYS REMEMBER OUR CHILDREN that is my theme and Platform. Help me save Skagit county for our children!
The reporter insisted on getting to the meat of every reporter’s quest, “Just what is your platform, and what can you possibly do for Skagit County?
- Why are you running for Skagit County Sheriff?
- Why are you the best choice for the position?
- What are the top challenges facing Skagit County, through the law enforcement lens, and what are your ideas for addressing them?
- Any other thoughts you’d care to share with your constituents?
Why are you running for Skagit County Sheriff? I am running for sheriff because I read a notice by the Secretary of State for Washington, published in 2019 and reposted by Skagit Residents. The 7 Reasons to re-elect Criminals to Skagit elected offices convinced me to run for sheriff. The report stated that our Skagit County Canvassing board which includes the Auditor, Prosecuting Attorney, and all three commissioners have been breaking the law for the past 17 years. Even after notification, these officers filed a false report saying they had complied. This leaves us with the last line of defense to protect us from harm and that is the Sheriff of Skagit county. The sheriff has failed to arrest these lawbreakers or convince them to mend their errors. I don’t agree to have to pay a criminal to break laws that harm We the People. I decided to run for Sheriff to put an end to this lawlessness.
Why are you the best choice for the position? (experience, skill set, that sort of thing) I know the supreme law of the land, I have studied the Constitution for the past 30 years and taught the Constitution for the last 20 months at the Burlington Library every other Tuesday night. I have practiced common sense all my life and I am capable of completing the required Sheriff’s course once elected. I have been a businessman for the past 20 years.
What are the top challenges facing Skagit County, through the law enforcement lens, and what are your ideas for addressing them? Our children are the most important and largest challenge for the Skagit County Sheriff. Drugs, education, and a harmonious relationship with society are the biggest hurdles that the Sheriff and the community have to jump in order to preserve our county, our lifestyle, and our families. I have a proposal that has 60 years of successful data to apply here in Skagit county that addresses every issue that I have listed with the children.
My proposal is to sponsor a Junior Deputy Program, that will include every boy and girl in the county if they want to participate.
The junior deputies will be taught honor, honesty, and respect for the law and their community.
This program was started in a south Florida county sixty years ago and is thriving today;
with less truancy,
less delinquency,
less drug use, and
more high school graduates with a better relationship with the sheriff and law communities.
This program includes a monthly 1 hour class with the sheriff or deputy, summer outings of fishing, hiking, and camping with parental participation higher than any other children’s program known. Our children are our future! China and Russia started with the children to convert their countries to communism. I’m willing to start with our children to save Skagit county and our Republic. On a merit system, each child will have the opportunity to earn a genuine real junior deputy badge and be entered as a Skagit County Junior Deputy on the permanent Skagit County Junior Deputy Roll. This original county (Collier County) still has the lowest juvenile crime rate of the 67 counties in Florida!
Any other thoughts you’d care to share with your constituents? The law says my first duty is to arrest anyone that disturbs the peace in this county and place them in detention. My promise as chief executive law officer of the county is to be the last line of defense between all residents of Skagit County, their life, their business, and their families, and all local and foreign enemies, regardless of the enemies’ identity. I promise to protect all the residents of Skagit county’s constitutional rights, their lawful rights, which includes their spiritual rights. I am an American, nonpartisan, for All the People.
I’m proud to put my name on the platform that I believe and live for,
With your support and help, We the People will make it happen,
Kevin Ewing,
I approved this message.
P.S. If you live in Skagit county I challenge you to put this post on your Facebook, Twitter and email it to all your friends.