6 Skagit County Officials Sued in 5 Federal cases for Federal ViolationsHERE IS WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT SKAGIT COUNTY OFFICIALS This is a non-partisan announcement · There is a notarial investigation by the Supreme Court of Washington, for notary fraud, (five officials) · There is two insurance fraud investigations, by state Insurance Commissioners, Washington & Illinois, (six officials) · There is an election violation investigation by the Secretary of Washington State, 2019 Report, (five officials) · There is an independent investigation by the Washington Attorney General, (six officials) · There is an FBI investigation for the 6 HAVA election violations for the Skagit Canvassing Board, (five officials) · There are 5 Federal cases filed in the U.S. District Court against the 6 Skagit elected Officials, Sandra Perkins, Rich Weyrich, Lisa Janicki, Peter Browning, Ron Wesen, and Don McDermott for numerous Federal law violationssuch as: 1. Violation of Oaths of Office, 2. Failure to file a Bond or Oath with the Clerk of Skagit County, 3. Masquerading as a public official, 4. Misprision of Felony, 5. Violating the Constitution, 6. Dereliction of Duty, 7. Racketeering (RICO), 8. Civil Rights violation, 9. Violation of FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) and more… 10. and several state law infractions. RCW29A.56.110, RCW9a.80.010, RCW 36.28.011 and more… · The 5 U.S. Federal Court case numbers are: · 22-CV-1844, 22-CV-1843, 23-CV-00311, 23-CV-00312, 23-CV-00309 (six officials) · There are 6 Federal HAVA cases already scheduled. (five officials) · There is a Superior court case in Snohomish county now to Order Sandra Perkins to Reveal all vacant official positions so candidates can file in time for the primary election this year. (six officials)
NONE OF THE ELECTED OFFICIALS FROM THE LAST ELECTION HAVE A CURRENT OATH OR BOND ON FILE with the Skagit Clerk. They are illegally in office. Every act they perform, every day they show up in the office, every paycheck they take is a FELONY! (six officials) Last July 4th, 2022 there was an announcement made on skagitresidents.com WARNING, DO NOT REELECT CRIMINALS IN SKAGIT COUNTY. (6 officials)
Skagit County you have one more chance to correct the last election.
ALL 6 “officials” listed here will not be eligible to run in the elections this year 2023.(six ex-officials) Sheriff, Don McDermott
ALL 3 Commissioners, Lisa Janicki, Peter Browning, Ron Wesen
We Need new candidates for these positions, consider running or nominate someone who believes in the Constitution, will abide by the law, and loves Skagit County.
Here is the final WARNING: If we do not find candidates to fill these vacant positions, the 6 criminals will get there friends to run so the county won’t prosecute the SIX for the crimes they have committed. We can restore if we act now.
FREEDOM is only enjoyed by We the People who diligently require officials to obey the law and listen to us!
If you have ever used your email or facebook to tell your story, USE THIS post to let the county know we will not tolerate lawlessness any longer! We will not rest until Skagit County is restored!
This Freedom of Speech announcement is NOT legal advice, but given for educational purposes ONLY.
Skagit Constitutional NEWS
Skagit County Officials have forgotten the Constitution and that they work for us. We meet to remind them that we want a free Skagit county for our children.
Come and bring a friend. We can still save our county for our children! Kevin Ewing will open the second half of the meeting for your questions!