Why does Skagit County need to be a constitutional county?

Supreme Law of Washington
The Washington state constitution is clear of why every county in the state needs to be a constitutional county. The supreme law of the state is the state constitution. The supreme law of the nation is the U. S. Constitution. The two constitutions must agree and not conflict with each other. They are in total accord now.
The Washington state constitution prevents any official from usurping their authority in order to gain power. The official’s power is loaned to them by their employer which is We The People. These elected officials of the state or the nation are NEVER allowed to singularly create, mandate, issue any order that can be considered LAW to their employers, We The People. The state or national legislature is the only entity that has the authority to write an enact laws. Edicts, mandates, codes or executive orders given by elected officials from the president to the governor are only applicable to state employees, national guard, the military and residents of District of Columbia.
Therefore in order to prevent these officials from ever creating illegal laws, the Washington state constitution provides for an ELECTED sheriff, elected by We The People, to be the last line of defense for We The People, the citizens of Skagit county to prevent rogue elected officials from enforcing the null and void laws, codes, edict, executive orders from either the state or federal government officials.
Our Republic government was designed to operate by the consent of the governed.
If the government wants to rule, control or tell the governed that they will not abide by the supreme law of the land, then a COUNSTITUTIONALLY GOVERNED COUNTY, STILL has the power to say NOT IN OUR COUNTY!
21 of the 39 counties in Washington state have a constitutional county government.

Skagit County with Skagit Valley
Skagit Peers, a nonpartisan movement to restore Skagit county to a constitutional county, believes Skagit county will be the 22nd constitutional county in Washington.
Skagit Peers nominated Kevin Ewing as the candidate for constitutional sheriff of Skagit county in July 2021. Mr. Ewing’s philosophy is, “If the constitution was good enough for 234 years, then it is a requirement from now on!”
Mr. Ewing brought forth a report from Pierce County at the last meeting. King county officials broke the law when they mandated that they would appoint a sheriff, preventing the employer, We The People from telling
the sheriff to protect them, from this and future illegal mandates. As an employee of the commissioners the appointed “sheriff” owes his or her allegiance to the commissioners, not We The People.
Pierce County commissioners saw what happened in King county and decided if King county could get away with breaking the law, Pierce County would try appointing a sheriff so the commissioners could be the all powerful without answering to us, We The People.
Mr. Ewing went to the rescue to educate the Peers of Pierce County that they could object, verbally and in writing in addition to suing the commissioners in their private capacity, as they loose immunity from prosecution when they break the law. Through the efforts of Kevin Ewing and the Skagit Peers movement, it appears that Pierce County will not succumb to the power grabbing rogue commissioners.

Skagit Peers County
Skagit County needs to be a constitutional county because:
- We inherited the best form of government known, if we can keep it.
- The Washington state constitution set up every county to abide by these supreme laws that is fair to everyone, employees and We The People the employer.
- A constitutional county guarantees our Life, rights and freedom.
- A constitutional county guarantees our life to be free of government control and intervention.
- It is our duty to pass the legacy of a constitutional county along to our children and grandchildren so they can enjoy the heritage of America and the Americana that we grew up with including the pursuit of happiness without a rogue official stealing their birthright of Freedom
Skagit Peers is vetting candidates for every elected official to be voted on in elections to come. You are welcome to join Skagit Peers and the vetting process.
Neighboring counties are waking up to the constitutional needs in their county. Skagit Peers is assisting our neighbors to organize a Peers organization to promote the return of elected officials to making decisions for We The People that are securely based on the Washington state constitution.
You must be wide awake to the reality of the threat to our county, our nation and the importance of family life as the objective to a better life for you, a better life for your children and a better life for the nation.
The natural authority parents exercise over their children gives them continuous ideas regarding their constitutional authority as citizens over the state. The woke society is against children and the idea that children will grow up to have children that want to live free too.
Children are the cure for tomorrow’s future we must preserve the formula for a more perfect union.

Skagit Peers Grandmother

Skagit Peers we the people
Our children are the force multipliers for freedom, courage, happiness, virtue and grit. They create the platoons that create families, that turn into societies and societies that turn into a patriotic nation.
Children love America and they inspire us to make her evermore worthy of their lives.
Parents teach their children to be good, children teach their parents how to be great, together they make America both!
Skagit Peers believe our duty is to our children is to preserve American freedoms and rights for them and their descendants that we inherited from our forefathers. We choose Liberty!
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