To all Skagit Peers,
Here is an update and personal message from the founder Kevin Ewing.
Skagit Peers is on a Mission; Keep Skagit county constitutional for our Children’s Future!
Tuesday was;
a get acquainted meeting,
Actions accomplished and,
A plan of Action disclosure.
Here is the update from last Tuesday night meeting.
Dear Skagit Peers,
After the last meeting I must confess that I had several intentions that I failed to share and adhere to:
1. I realize I failed to fulfill my promise of not exceeding 57 minutes, as a result I have appointed, a time keeper to help me complete future meetings on time.
2. I had several points that I failed to mention,
a. At the next meeting we hope to have window decals for your car that looks like this;

Skagit Peers for our children
b. We have ordered Pocket Constitutions for everyone that attends our meeting, No home should be without one. They will always be FREE on the table at the back of the room,
c. The next meeting will be dedicated to Women, invite a friend, ladies bring your children, and your significant other.
d. Skagit Peers ACTIONS;
- Coming to the meeting is an Action of progress and participation,☑
- nominating a candidate for constitutional sheriff,☑
- You come to get informed,☑
- See how you can participate,☑
- Review the actions already underway, &☑
- To Give suggestions,☑
e. I need you to go to our Google business page, click this picture,——————————————————–>>>, enter your gmail address or email address and write a five star review. You can be as brief as, “I love this page” or hundreds of words.
3. We have started attending meetings to monitor:
• the governor concerning mandates,
• the auditor, concerning elections,
• We need volunteers to attend school boards and commissioners meetings,
• And the rest of the elected officials of Skagit county,
Our mission is and always will be to restore Skagit county to a Constitutional county for our children’s Future!
I have a program designed just for the children that I will be announcing soon!

Grandparents are Skagit Peers
Remember to share you paper stones with at least 5 people before our next meeting.
If you believe Skagit county is “the Land of Anything is Possible” for our children, then tell a neighbor, tell a friend, tell a relative to come to our next meeting and see the plans to allow our children to live in county while enjoying all of their rights, liberties and the pursuit of happiness to a greater degree than we inherited!
Bring your ideas, bring your friends, bring your children.
We will see you Tuesday, 27th at 6:30pm.
Best regards,

Skagit Peers we the people
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