To all Skagit Peers,
Here is a personal message from the founder Kevin Ewing, about why you need to attend the Skagit Peers meeting Tuesday night.
There will be no guest speaker, Tuesday night is all about Kevin Ewing, answering your questions.
Skagit Peers will meet at:
Eagles Club
Tuesday July 13th
6:30 PM
1000 Metcalf St, Sedro-Woolley, WA
Bring a guest, neighbor or relative that has a child in their family.
The Skagit Peers Movement started on behalf of the children of Skagit County.
That mission to save Skagit County for our Children’s future will never change!

Skagit Peers candidate for sheriff
Dear Skagit Peers,
After the last meeting I was asked a series questions:
1. If you are serious about running for sheriff why would you say if there is someone better, you would step aside?
2. Is Skagit Peers a “Rah Rah” movement with no action?
3. Why is your plan so different that Skagit Peers will succeed when the majority of other patriot movements have fizzled?
4. What oath violations have occurred that lead to your belief that our loss of rights dictates, ‘we have to act now to protect them’?
5. What is your plan to make a difference in Skagit county?
I plan to expound on each of these 5 questions, you will have NO doubt of my answers or intentions!
Bring a notepad and plan on taking a few notes.
I will stay again after the meeting and answer all questions in the room.
I will answer these questions publicly and then I’ll post them on this website:
For those of you that are searching to find our movementt online I refer you to several web pages:
NOTICE When you search for the words:
Constitutional Sheriff Mt Vernon We are #1 of the Entire right 1/2 of Page 1
Constitutional Sheriff Skagit We are in Positions 1 & 2 on Page One
CLICK IMAGES of this search Positions 1st 10 out of 1st 15
Skagit Peers We are in Positions 2 &3 on Page One
Kevin Ewing sheriff We are in Positions 1 & 2 on Page One

Skagit Peers 2nd Amendment
When elected oath taking officials dictate illegal laws, there is usually a monetary bonus in the capitulation for the official. Thomas Jefferson knew the heart of politics was corrupt from the beginning of history.
It matters not if Jefferson said this quote or not, the truth is self evident : “When governments fear the people, there is liberty,”
“When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”
Here are some examples of rights lost. Once lost, never retrievable…
Australia confiscates guns, people volunteer to surrender, crime goes up, SURPRISE, criminal kept their guns. Citizens bemoan the day they believed the government!
New Zealand gun control deemed a privilege, confiscation in progress, Australians tell the New Zealanders, don’t let them have your guns, you will never get them or the RIGHT back!
Nazi Germany gun control. First there was registration, then confiscation, then concentration…
ALL THREE of these EXAMPLES STARTED with officials, abusing their authority, to gain power and the eventual surrender of their employers, WE THE PEOPLE!
Skagit Peers is NOT made up of Arm-Chair-Quarterbacks that appear Tuesday morning… We are We the People that show up Tuesday Night to make sure next Monday’s game is played by the rules!
We are convinced that together we will save Skagit county! We will not stop, we will not rest until our American heritage of Freedom, Liberty and Justice is once again safe and secure for our children.

Skagit Peers children’s-freedom
Nothing less than this, our American heritage, has been passed down to us by Patriots that gave all that they had including life itself so that we could live free.
We refuse to let it be taken away by a small minority of power grabbing politicians. We choose to protect our American Legacy of Freedom for ourselves, our children, and every child yet to be born.
Skagit Peers is the greatest movement in Skagit county history! And it has just begun! With your help, and brilliance we will carry the torch of Skagit Freedom back to Victory for all of Skagit Valley!
Tuesday night will define Skagit Peers for the ages, 57 minutes of your time Tuesday night is a small investment in your children’s future.
I was asked many times by my friends, ”Why you Kevin?”
Today I ask you, “If not you for your children now, then WHO? & When?”
You will not be disappointed, tell a friend and we will see you Tuesday at 6:30pm.
I’m Kevin Ewing, for Skagit Peers
I’m standing with 107 Skagit Peers that believe Skagit County is the Land of Anything is Possible.