Skagit Peers is a movement Not a Campaign.

Skagit Peers County
Skagit Peers are:
• We the People of the constitution,
• Nonpartisan,
• A Grassroots movement,
• Parents,
• Grandparents,
• Aunts,
• Uncles,
• Neighbors,
• Relatives,
• Friends,
• Concerned about the rights and liberties of everyone in Skagit county,
- offering our combined votes to elect only candidates or officials that promise not to legislate, endorse or facilitate illegal laws that are contrary to the Supreme Laws of the land, state and national constitutions.
• agreeing to vet, (investigate someone’s suitability for a job, making a careful and critical examination of candidates), every incumbent or candidate thoroughly before endorsing,
• Peaceful, this is a Peaceful movement!
• focused on their Purpose, genuinely serious to elect constitutional believing incumbents and or candidates that will protect life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness, rights and property of the people of Skagit county, their children and posterity.
• Dedicated to: the children of Skagit county.

Skagit Peers for a Free tomorrow
• Committed to a constitutionally governed county where our children’s children can grow and live free with all their liberties intact!
• Sharing the mission to:
1. Restore Skagit county to a Constitutional County for our children and our posterity!
2. Save The Inheritance of Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness for Our Children!
• Offering:
a. free education, sources and access about the constitution, rights, laws, and liberty that will save this fundamental heritage for our children’s future,
b. invited to and have the opportunity to use their American gifts of talent, professions, voice, presence or unmentioned abilities to help encourage others to become a Skagit Peer TOO!
c. given access to all of our sources to allow you to research as much or more as you desire on all subject matter mentioned on the website or meetings.
d. Constitutional believing candidates for election.
• Accepting:
i. your offers to volunteer in any capacity,
ii. your participation in distribution of literature,
iii. articles for publication,
iv. speakers for our scheduled meetings,
v. your efforts to find places to meet,
vi. mentoring of your special talents,
vii. your help with our phone campaigns,
viii. your attendance and guest at any meeting you desire to attend,
ix. your donations and gifts that can be used to promote Skagit Peers.
• Obligated to:
1) tell a friend,
2) tell your children for Freedom’s sake,
3) cast your vote for a candidate that promises not to violate the constitution,
4) do what you can, when you can, to convert Skagit county to a constitutional government,
5) when you see a fellow peer’s rights infringed upon or denied, Tell Skagit Peers, 360 718 7632 or email us, on our contact us page,
Our Motto is:

Skagit Peers Freedom
If The Constitution Was Good Enough 234 Years Ago, Then It Is A Requirement From Now On!
Skagit Peers movement is not in place for one election, but for however long it takes to show our children and our grandchildren that our
love for them and their future is more important than voting again for a political party that has failed us.
Skagit Peers is not rallying just for the next election.

Skagit Peers we the people
Our goal is simple: We will not be denied!
“We the People are the Skagit Peers that are dedicated to preserving freedom for our children.”
Our first accomplished deed was to nominate one of Skagit Peers for the position of Sheriff. This is very important as “The sheriff” is the chief executive officer and conservator of the peace of the county.”
Our Constitutional Sheriff is the last line of defense when your freedom is threatened by local, state or federal officials that attempt to infringe on our rights and Liberty!
Join our brigade of Skagit Peers to make our Skagit County a permanent Home for our children.
Skagit Peers is an affiliate of My Patriot Network. subject “newsletter”
Information Page: