All elected “oath taking officials” take a sworn oath that they shall not violate that oath of office during their tenure of office, uphold the laws of the constitution as defined and shall not “advocate the overthrow of our constitutional form of government. The oath taker signs a sworn affidavit to this effect.
The affidavit is a legal and lawful document that states that the oath taker told the people the truth. If the oath taker violates the oath, it is a federal crime of perjury for federal office and state crime of perjury if local or state office holders perjure their oath. Lip service will no longer be accepted. They must perform Constitutionally!
If the politician compromises their oath and sells your unalienable rights or freedom for monetary gain, it is a federal crime. (RICO), Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. This will NOT BE TOLERATED IN THIS COUNTY.