Skagit Peers Kevin Ewing

Skagit Peers nominates Kevin Ewing for constitutional Sheriff

Skagit Peers nominates Kevin Ewing for constitutional Sheriff of Skagit County. Tuesday night June 29, 2021, the Skagit Peers of Skagit county convened to establish a nonpartisan group of neighbors, friends and relatives committed to restoring Skagit county back to a constitutional governed county. Skagit Peers are Skagit voters that believe, “If the constitution was…

Skagit Peers for Feedom

Skagit Peers of Skagit County

Skagit Peers is a nonpartisan, grassroots movement of neighbors, friends and relatives identified as “We the People” committed to the restoration of Skagit county to a constitutionally governed county.   The Mission statement of Skagit Peers is to nominate all oath taking officials that will execute their duties and office constitutionally without endangering, denying or…