Skagit Peers home of the constitution
The Creep is an illegal attempt to overthrow our county government.
The sly weaving of the serpentile actions of the miscreant county officials to eliminate elected sheriffs is rampant in America. The race by power hungry politicians is to remove these positions and replace them with appointed sheriffs which are then mere employees, called police, that would not dare arrest their boss for breaking the supreme law of the land, our constitution. This creeping is accomplished by tacit consent. They don’t tell us what they are doing so when we don’t object, their illegal actions become enforced.
America has two waves that are rolling from coast to coast. The race of new deal politicians spending money that we don’t have, eliminating the police and paying people to not go to work is rampant among politicians vying for power over the people. The politicians from the local levels are breaking their oaths of office to eliminate our constitutional sheriffs so we have no protector of our God given, constitutionally guaranteed rights, liberties and life itself.
On the other hand there is a wave of Americans that still believe in Old Glory, the constitution and elected sheriffs
fighting against those that would rob us of our heritage and our children’s inheritance.

Skagit Peers Bill of Rights
Two counties away the “creep” has crept in. Three counties away the creep is coming towards Skagit county.
King county has illegally done away with an elected sheriff. Pierce county is trying to do the same. Thank goodness there are Pierce county Peers that knew where to get help. Our own Kevin Ewing was able to share with our sister Peers that the Washington constitution demands that the sheriff be elected in all 39 counties of the state. However the sly local officials will continue to creep in and take this position so they can control their employee and he will never arrest them for their illegal lawlessness.
Skagit Peers are way ahead of the game. THEY KNOW WHAT the constitution says, and they say “NOT IN OUR COUNTY!” There are 21 constitutional counties in Washington and we are making Skagit number 22.
Tonight’s meeting will include an expose’ on, “who does Mandates, Executive orders, and Edicts apply to?” Hint, it is not you!
There is grave concern over Election rules and how do we get back to fair elections, Skagit Peers has a plan to be prepared before the next election.
The number one question continues to surface about the COMMON LAW GRAND JURY. This too will be addressed tonight.
Help us prevent the CREEP from creeping to Skagit county.

Skagit Peers for our children’s future
We will also include a short 10 minute class especially for Skagit Peers. Invite a friend and my promise to you is I will not exceed 57 minutes in our regular meeting. See you at 7 pm
We Meet every other Tuesday night at 7:00PM
Skagit Peers we the people
Next Meeting tonight, August 10 2021
Eagles Club
1000 Metcalf St.
Sedro Woolley
Skagit Peers are one of the voices screaming out the alarm.
My Patriots Network

Skagit Peers we the people
https://frankspeech.com/ Aug-10,11,12
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfkCNfDSZJo Dr. Doug Frank
American States Assembly
United Patriots of Washington State
Other Washington Patriot Movements
No published meeting times,
https://cspoa.org/ Sheriff Mack CSPOA
https://proprights.org/ Citizens’ Alliance for Property Rights (CAPR)
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