To all Skagit Peers,
We the People, Skagit Peers are meeting because we choose Liberty.
Skagit Peers VOCALLY OBJECTS to loosing our constitution.
If the constitution was sufficient for 234 years, we require it from now on!
At this juncture in time we, Skagit Peers are proactive. We have nominated a constitutional sheriff for the next election, we have studied the constitution and know what it has promised us and our children. We declare, WE WILL NOT BE DENIED!
Here is an update and personal message from Skagit Peers founder, Kevin Ewing.
I am happy to announce and declare Tomorrow night at 7 PM at the Eagles club in Sedro Woolley, will be Skagit Peers Ladies night. I have a special announcement for all the ladies. Half of the meeting is dedicated to the Ladies. Ladies bring your men as they will form a special support for you this night and every day to come.

Skagit Peers Freedom
Lawlessness slowly creeps toward our Skagit border. In a neighboring county the commissioners broke the law by mandating law contrary to the state constitution when they voted among themselves without noticing We the People, that they were going to eliminate the position of sheriff from the ballot and start appointing sheriffs. THIS ACT WAS and still is ILLEGAL! However the miscreant commissioners were able to carry this off by a process called “tacit consent”. Until someone objects and takes the commissioners to court, they will continue to steal the people of King county’s rights and liberties.
As a constitutional Sheriff candidate I have been asked to be the Keynote Speaker in a different neighboring county concerning a movement by their commissioners who are attempting the same illegal moves that happened in King county. A group of peers said they have watched what we are doing in Skagit County and want to duplicate our efforts! These sister and brother Peers have asked me to come and share with them the method to STOP THIS ACTION BEFORE IT IS COMPLETED.
You may be asking why is this happening and why is it not being stopped?
21 of the 39 Washington state counties have constitutional sheriffs.
Unfortunately, Skagit county does not have a constitutional sheriff, at this time. The minority opposition wants to control the chief executive law enforcement officer instead of allowing the sheriff to arrest them for

Constitutional sheriff
violation of their oath of office.
The office of sheriff is a constitutional office created by Article 11, § 5 of the Washington State Constitution (Amendment 12)
A sheriff, as chief law enforcement officer of a county, has a duty to arrest any elected official that violates their oath of office. No elected official from the President of the United States to the governor of this state can dictate, mandate or create law. Only the state and federal legislature has that authority.
Penalties for violation of oath of office include removal from office and; confinement up to 10 years and/or a fine up to 10,000 per convicted charge of Perjury, falsifying government documents, and treason which punishment can be fatal.

Grandparents are Skagit Peers
Recently over 60 Skagit Peers committed to showing up at a commissioners meeting, were told that because of the outcry from the citizens of Skagit county, the commissioners would not mandate laws in Skagit county at this time…
Wayward commissioners see the handwriting on the wall. There is a groundswell of Americans that are opposed to a few elected officials taking our God-given constitutional promises away without any approval of WE the PEOPLE! The elected officials are trying to take the power away from the people so that a few can rule as if they are dictators answering to no one.
This subtle overthrow of the government is planned and deliberate. We as a body of Skagit Peers recognize these lawbreakers and tell them NO, BEFORE we silently fall into tacit consent. These commissioners are telling us that we surrendered our rights by not objecting to their illegal actions. We are guaranteeing our rights and liberties for ourselves and our children by watching and keeping our county officials abiding by the constitution.

Skagit Peers we the people
I will give an update at the meeting, of how we through our education of the constitution, we were able to prevent a neighboring county falling prey to manipulating devious power grabbers.
King county Peers could sue the commissioners and their spouses until the county is made whole. Any elected official looses the immunity from prosecution when they break the law. Defending the constitution for our children is our duty.
Skagit Peers are focusing on the critical issues we are facing such as constitutional rights, censorship, 2nd amendment, integrity of elections, our children’s education and reminding all government that this nation is governed by the consent of the governed.
Skagit Peers is a peaceful movement of nonpartisan neighbors, friends, relatives and lovers of Skagit county no matter where they live.
The grassroots movement, Skagit Peers, We the People, Patriots and citizens STILL have time to let our voices be heard that we will not allow any of the constitution to be taken away so a politician can enrich themselves or their lobbyist. If you don’t want to vocally object to the illegal robbery of our rights, liberty and FREEDOM, then join the combined voice of Skagit Peers. Do not forget the power of the voice of the pen. WRITE your objections and send it to every Skagit county official, every state legislator and send the written objection to every publication, social media, and platform that you have at your grasp! Let the world know!
At every meeting and everyday in the field I am asked if Skagit Peers is a Movement of Action?
Here is an action we can do immediately, GROW SKAGIT PEERS TO BE A RECKONING FORCE before it is too late. Our small force made a difference already when the commissioners realized they had to give us over 3 hours of time publicly objecting to their last attempts to mandate laws in Skagit county. We must act now by growing the membership to a huge voice that cannot be overlooked by any party.
We the People ARE NOT IN TACIT CONSENT of the robbery that is attempted everyday in our county, our state and our nation!
The message cannot be clearer, as WE the PEOPLE, which includes all neighbors, friends, relatives, Patriots, and Skagit Peers of Skagit county, we all must join arms to say, NO, NOT IN OUR COUNTY, we will not let the robbery of our rights, liberty & Freedom continue!
This is my call to action!
Make a serious effort to tell a friend to join you tomorrow night in an all out effort to save Skagit County for our Children’s Future… Cancel whatever you are doing, attend tomorrow night and let’s stand together to continue being proactive so we can prevent the robbery planed to steal our Skagit HOME!
Tuesday night I have a special surprise gift that everyone will take home with them from the meeting. Bring a friend!
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