Our August 24th Skagit Peers Meeting will be at the

Skagit Peers County
Sedro Woolley Library at 7 PM
110 W State St, Sedro-Woolley, WA 98284
Skagit Peers? . . . “it does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people´s minds.”
¯ Samuel Adams
Tuesday night our agenda will be:
- Report on Forensic Election Audits,
- How to address Masks & or the Jab
- At school, or work,
- Actions Skagit Peers can take to make a difference
There will be a Patriots Meeting by:
Skagit County Public Hearing On Election Integrity
Sunday August 29th 2021 4 PM – 7 PM
Heritage Ranch 18244 Sam Bell Road. Bow WA 98232
Event will be live-streamed and feature a panel of elected officials
and several experts on Election Integrity including Dr. Douglas Frank PhD.
There have been many revelations by several state investigators in the last several weeks concerning election audits. Audits are not government run, only We The People can demand an audit. Audits are not to change election results. Audits are to inform the voters so they can change logistics before the next election.
Here is what has been revealed from the investigation that led to the Arizona forensic audit; (We need to see if similar irregularities happened here in Washington.)
- Voting machines that are claimed to NOT be connected to the internet (technically not connected during voting hours) but could be connected to the internet, after the voting is closed for the day. Does it make a difference if the voting machine synchronizes with corrupt tabulators worldwide while the voting is active, or changed to algorithms preprogramed to align with the 2010 census after the voting stops but before the votes are tabulated?
- One voting machine examined had “a chip” installed that had the ability to be programmed. The purpose of the chip is still undetermined. Could it be no matter how many true votes are received, the final count is always a few more than what is needed for the predetermined winner.
- Votes are backed up with infused votes that have been purged from the voter register if the predetermined candidate starts to loose the lead. These infused votes are added back to the roster and can be voted 100% for the predetermined winner.
- These infused votes had been legally purged from the voter roll because the following reasons;
- voter died before the 2020 election,
- was too young to vote in the 2020 election,
- was an illegal alien, or
- no longer was a legal resident in the district to vote.
- After the above people were purged from the record, the machines could determined the wrong person was winning and then, could graft these purged illegal voters and their votes back into the election to defeat the opponent. These voters cannot be removed again for several months. Well after the election.
- It was discovered that voters were segregated by their political persuasion. Some were given ball point pens, others were given “sharpies”. The Preselected winner supporters were given ball point pens. Others given the sharpie voted for the challenger that should have won, However the sharpie users vote bled through to another candidate in the same party as the predetermined winner on the reverse side of the ballot which was credited and the chosen vote from the front deleted as a canceled vote.
- Since the law requires all ballots, voter machines, peripheral evidence, envelopes and voter rolls to be secured and preserved for 22 months after the election, only a forensic audit can ferret out the illegal methods and evidence needed to convince legislators to correct our voting system.
A forensic audit can only be requested by We the People!
Your action is important, make it count! Contact, call or email every US Senator for your, State, contact, call or email every US Representative for your State,
contact, call or email every Washington State Senator, contact, call or email every Washington State Representative from your district.
1. Call and leave a message,
2. Email and send a message,
3. Write a letter and send a message!
The message is simple: (SAMPLE LETTER)
“We the people of Skagit county demand a full forensic audit to include but not limited to routers and machines, done by a qualified independent audit company. We will not accept a limited risk audit.”
Masks or the Jab
At school, at work
Here are two legitimate responses to mandatory conforming to either of these illegal requirements.
“I am exempt.”
(For one of the following reasons.)
1. Religious exemption
2. Medical exemption

Illegal masks
“I have a Religious Exemption (Personal/Philosophical )from taking vaccines, wearing a mask or being isolated in any one spot.”
Definition of religion:
a. a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.
b. a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith
c. Religion is a set of organized beliefs, practices, and systems that most often relate to belief and worship of a controlling force such as a personal God or supernatural being.
The Law empowers your decision.
Constitution of United States of America 1789 (rev. 1992) First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, individuals have the right to be free from discrimination on the basis of religion. As part of their religious beliefs, many individuals object to vaccines. Employers are required to accommodate religious observances and practices.
Whether or not a religious belief is sincerely held by an applicant or employee is rarely at issue in most religious discrimination lawsuits. With both the EEOC and DFEH guidance requiring employers to accommodate an employee who has a sincerely held religious belief that prevents an employee from receiving any of the COVID-19 vaccinations, the issue of what is a “sincerely held religious belief” has become more important in employment law.
“Religion” is very broadly defined and encompasses not only organized religions, but also informal beliefs. “Religion” under the law can also encompass non-theistic and moral beliefs.
According to RCW 28A.210.090 A written certification signed by any parent or legal guardian of the child or any adult in loco parentis to the child that the religious beliefs of the signator are contrary to the required immunization measures.
As per the national Constitution, specifically, the Bill of Rights, in particular, Amendments I, IV, V, VI, VII, IX, X and XIV and The Washington State Constitution, in particular Article 1, Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 27, 29, 30, 32 and 35. Article 9 section 1 – Education Preamble, Article 9 section 4 – Sectarian control of influence prohibited.
Medical Exemption
Your medical condition can be diagnosed by a doctor, personal/philosophical or acknowledged just by you, but in either event your condition is private and cannot be revealed to anyone just by their demand.
You should be acutely aware that if a person has a medical reason for not wearing a mask, taking the jab, or standing in a prescribed spot, then as provided under HIPPA Laws, HITECH Act (Section 13410(e) (1) make it illegal to inquire of the patient their specific health reasons for objecting these tasks. Since the introduction of these HIPPA laws, fines can vary from $50,000 to $1,500,000 per event, even as criminal charges.
Under ADA (American Disabilities Act Title III and HIPPA Laws, HITECH Act (Section 13410(e) no person is required to disclose physical or mental reasons for any medical condition. Businesses can be fined up to $75,000 for the first offense and up to $150,000 for subsequent violations.
As per United States Code 42 title II of the Civil Rights Act, Subsection 2000 (a)
Also according to the State and Federal Civil rights law, this Individual has FREE and EQUAL access to all facilities and services in your business establishment, regardless of store policies.
Refusal of service, discrimination or deprivation of rights under color shall result in legal and lawful claims of violation and prosecution against you and your employer, business, all officers of corporations and owners.
There is no evidence that I am a direct threat to the health and safety of others therefor my RIGHTS STAND.
The null and void illegal governor’s mandates/executive orders only apply to government employees. When one of the governor’s employees such as DOJ, FDA, L&I, Health Dept or any of the state or federal corporations (which you have no contract with) demands you obey these illegal laws, the employee and the governor have violated their oath of office, violated the supreme law of the land, committed perjury, falsified government documents, infringed on your liberty, denied your God given, constitutionally guaranteed rights!
The penalty for these illegal acts are 2 years prison for each count, $10,000 fine for each, never to hold public office again, while they loose their immunity from prosecution because they broke the law, and the residents of this county/ state sues both the politician and their spouse personally until the residents have been made whole!
Why do we continue to let our employees, the politicians, continue to tell us that we must sacrifice our life savings while we bankrupt our family-owned businesses because of the crippling restrictions?
Why do we wear masks?
Why do we stand 6 feet apart?
FACT: The virus has never been isolated.
An unisolated virus is unidentified, (unidentified because it is man-made.)
Vaccine definition must have part of the virus in the vaccine, there is no virus included.
Vaccines inoculate against infection. The jab is a cocktail of undisclosed drugs, no virus included, does not inoculate.
Conclusion: We are being conditioned so we can be controlled by a few power hungry politicians…
There has never been any physical proof that the virus is a virus or the “pandemic” was caused by Covid 19…
By now you have read enough to boil over. It is time to act, SPEAK NOW OR FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEACE AND SURRENDER ALL YOU HAVE SO THEY CAN MAKE DECISIONS FOR YOU from now on. Here is the politicians for Districts 1,39,10 & 40
Here is what you can do:
contact, call or email every US Senator for your, State,
contact, call or email every US Representative for your State,
contact, call or email every Washington State Senator, contact,
call or email every Washington State Representative from your district.
1. Call and leave a message,
2. Email and send a message,
3. Write a letter and send a message!
Is your freedom worth 50 cents?

Skagit Peers for our children’s future
The message is simple: (SAMPLE LETTER)
“Dear politician, until you can provide physical evidence that this “COVID-19, novel coronavirus, (SARS-CoV-2)” virus has been isolated with proof that it is the cause of the fake pandemic, I expect you to vote against any measure, bill or mandate that will cause me and my family further harm. Your delay in honoring this request of We the people protecting our rights and privileges will be a violation of your oath of office.”
Here is an easy one!
House bill SB 5144 – 2021-22
Protecting the right of every Washington resident to decline an immunization or vaccination for COVID-19.
Our legislators are getting ready to vote on this bill…
- Call and leave a message,
- Email and send a message,
- Write a letter and send a message!
Tell all of your Senators and Representatives to vote yes on this one!
Patty Murray WA US Senator
154 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Maria Cantwell WA US Senator
511 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Suzan DelBene WA US Representative
2330 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Rick Larson US representative
2163 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Derek Stanford, State Senator
402 Legislative Building
PO Box 40401
Olympia, WA 98504
Liz Lovelett State Senator
215 John A. Cherberg Building
PO Box 40440
Olympia, WA 98504
Ron Muzzal State Senator
P O Box 40410
Olympia, WA 98504
(360) 786-7618
Rep. Lekanoff, Debra
422 John L. O’Brien Building
PO Box 40600
Olympia, WA 98504
(360) 419-5266
Rep. Ramel, Alex
132D Legislative Building
PO Box 40600
Olympia, WA 98504
(360) 786-7970
Davina Duerr state representative
JLOB 327
PO Box 40600
Olympia, WA 98504
Shelley Kloba state representative
LEG 132A
PO Box 40600
Olympia, WA
Carolyn Eslick
467 John L. O’Brien Building
PO Box 40600
Olympia, WA 98504
Dave Paul
309 John L. O’Brien Building
PO Box 40600
Olympia, WA 98504
Greg Gilday
404 John L. O’Brien Building
PO Box 40600
Olympia, WA 98504
Skagit County Commissioners
Ron Wesen
Peter Browning
Lisa Janicki
1800 Continental Place, Suite 100
Mount Vernon, WA 98273
(360) 416-1300
Skagit county School superintendent
Ismael Vivanco , Ed.D, Superintendent
124 E Lawrence St, Mt Vernon, WA 98273
Here is what you can do:
contact, call and email the superintendent of schools.
1. Call and leave a message,
2. Email and send a message,
3. Write a letter and send a message!
Their freedom is worth 50 cents?
The message is simple: (SAMPLE LETTER)

Skagit Peers children’s-freedom
“Dear Ismael Vivanco,
Our children have lost a year of school, they have been lied to, forced to use offsite learning, There was a fifty% failure rate for last year. Now we find that the virus is manmade, cannot be isolated and is not identified as a virus. Last years’ total death rate in the US did not reflect greater than the increase in population, normal attrition.
We know the mask was a ruse to control the populous.
We know the jab doesn’t prevent infection.
So stop with your edicts, of masks, no masks, jab or no jab, 3 days on half day off, desks 6 feet apart, silly attempts to teach. You have violated your oath of office. Your oath of office prevents you from violating our children’s rights and liberties. Stop mentally crippling our children now. Protect our children or resign!”
The following organizations are working hard to alert our neighbors that we have to do something constitutional, or we will loose our country as we know it.
Please support them and help spread the word!
Skagit Peers are only one of the voices screaming out the alarm:
My Patriots Network Dr. Doug Frank
American States Assembly
United Patriots of Washington State
Other Washington Patriot Movements
No published meeting times, Sheriff Mack CSPOA Citizens’ Alliance for Property Rights (CAPR)

Skagit Peers we the people
Send this link to everyone on your social media platforms. Send this link to everyone on your email list.
There is no greater cause to share something on the internet than the gift of freedom for our children. We choose Liberty! Pay it forward…
We need to do something that will insure our children the legacy that we inherited.
We meet this Tuesday night, show your fellow peers that we are all in this together!
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