What does Skagit Peers Stand For?
• Skagit Peers Stands for America.
• Skagit Peers Stands for Veterans,
• Skagit Peers Stands for the American Flag,

Skagit Peers for our children
• Skagit Peers stands for saving ALL the Rights, Privileges and Liberties gifted to us by God and guaranteed by our state and National Constitutions for our
Children’s future and the generations yet to be born in Skagit County.
• Skagit Peers Stands for the Supreme Law of the Land, the Constitution.
• Skagit Peers stands for an American governed Skagit County.
• Skagit Peers stands for being governed by the Supreme Laws of the Land, that of the Constitution of America.
• Skagit Peers stands for a constitutionally governed Skagit county.
Skagit Peers stands for all elected officials in Skagit County officiating by and within their oath of office.
• Skagit Peers stands for The office of sheriff, a constitutional office created by Article 11, § 5 of the Washington State Constitution, “The sheriff is the chief executive officer and conservator of the peace of the county
Constitutional Sheriffs Article 11, § 5 of Washington State
• Skagit Peers stands for correct elections, not influenced by nations, notions or parties but by the voice of and by individual people, for individual people, open to all people, and closed to the internet and machines.
• Skagit Peers stands for correct education for our children that will allow them to compete on an international level, without political, religious overtones, requirements or dictates.

Skagit Peers Constitutional Future
• Skagit Peers stands for a second amendment of the constitution without editions or subtractions.
• Skagit Peers stands for our children’s future to live free and inherit the same heritage and legacy of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness that we inherited.
• Skagit Peers stands for a Skagit County living with friends, neighbors and relatives that forgo political aversions to rally around a free future for our children!
• Skagit Peers stands for Peaceful Change.
• Skagit Peers stands for the definition of constitutionalist as who “Advocates of a system… where a government should be based on a constitution, in which power is distributed and limited by a system of laws that the rulers must obey,“
Skagit Peers does not stand for and rebukes any other definition of constitutionalist that would disparage us as part of any Left wing, right wing or independent political organization!
• Skagit Peers stands for ‘WE THE PEOPLE” of the constitution, that 52 years before there were any political parties, stood as one people under God, indivisible as neighbors, friends and relatives.
• Skagit Peers stands united in Skagit county for the people of Skagit county.
Skagit Peers realizes that there are no less than 4 Patriotic Movements that ebb into Skagit county.
IF any of these movements stand for everything that Skagit Peers stands for, then we are in one accord, one purpose and we will cheer them on while we run parallel to them.
Skagit Peers is not in competition with any other movement. If any other movement is helping to awaken Skagit county residents to the fact that we can continue to live in this county with all of our rights and freedoms if we act NOW, then Skagit Peers applauds that movement.

Skagit Peers we the people
We as Skagit Peers – sheriffconstitutional.com, have participated in all known patriotic movements that is in or visited Skagit county. We have no objections to these movements.
My Patriotic Network- https://mypatriotsnetwork.com/
Citizens’ Alliance for Property Rights (CAPR) – https://proprights.org/
KrisAnne Hall – https://krisannehall.com/
The Three Percent of Washington (WA3%) – https://wa3percent.org/
Sheriff Mack CSPOA (Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association) – https://cspoa.org/
United Patriots of Washington State – https://www.facebook.com/UnitedPatriotsOfWashingtonState/
Although Skagit Peers cannot endorse any organization for legal reasons, we can show you what is available here and you can take a look to see if you agree with their philosophy. We cheer for them all to be patriotically successful.
In the Benjamin Franklin Story of Saving Skagit county for our children, where Anything is Possible in the Land of anything is possible, we are encouraged to tell a friend and keep Skagit county a constitutional county.
Hear the complete story here.
As Skagit Peers we see no reason that a Skagit Peer would not want to educate themselves on how to keep a more perfect union, than to embrace our neighbors in Skagit and adjoining counties.
Skagit Peers recognizes the eight oath taking, elected positions in Skagit county as;
Skagit Peers recognizes the eight oath taking, elected positions in Skagit county as;
1. Sheriff,
2. 3 Commissioner Positions
3. Auditor,
4. Assessor,
5. Treasurer,
6. Clerk,
7. Prosecuting Attorney,
8. Coroner,
And State legislature representatives District 39 & 40
And one state senator.
There are also three District Court Judge positions to be filled in 2022
Skagit Peers does not endorse any website, however here are some websites of interest: