The State of Washington and the United States Constitutions provide the Office of Constitutional Sheriff to Skagit County
to protect our rights and Liberty from any government or enemies.

Skagit Peers Freedom
A constitutional Sheriff must take an oath before the “Supreme Judge of the Universe” to keep the peace and to secure, defend and protect the people of Skagit County, his jurisdiction, from threats to their liberties, their livelihoods, and the peaceable enjoyment of their property.
The nature of that solemn oath requires that the actions of the sheriff in the performance of his duty must conform to the Constitution of the State of Washington AND of the United States Constitution. These documents are the Supreme Laws of the Land and describe the powers entrusted to civil government by the consent of the people.
These Supreme Laws of the Land also provide limits to those powers which are absolute, permanent, and perpetual.
Furthermore, these documents are based upon a philosophy of law and government set forth in the Declaration of Independence which can be summarized as follows:
- All men and women are created by an Almighty, All-knowing, Eternal God.
- God is the Author and Grantor of rights to men and women which are inalienable, universal, and part of His created order. These rights include life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness,
- People form civil governments for the purpose of securing and protecting these God-given rights.
- Whenever any government becomes destructive, violative or deprive ANY of these rights, then the duty of the People is to take corrective measures with respect to that government,
- Thomas Jefferson says it best when he described the duties of a sheriff, “to keep the government in check, we bound government down by the chains of the Constitution”.
Skagit Peers for a Free tomorrow
The Constitution of Washington state provides that all lawmaking power is vested in our state legislature and further provides that the powers and authorities of one branch of government shall not be discharged by an official from a different branch. Lawmaking power being thus vested in the legislature, the Governor has no constitutional authority to make law. Therefore, the edicts of the Governor (or any of his subordinates, whether they are characterized as mandates, orders, proclamations or directives, are not law and cannot be lawfully enforced.
The United States President that issues an executive order, not passed by Congress, for the nation, is only valid for the military and all U.S government employees.
Furthermore, a point of fact, the governor, of Washington state, does not have the authority to suspend the State Constitution. If the Governor attempts to suspend our Constitutional rights, it is an act of lawlessness and a violation of his/her oath of office. A Constitutional Sheriff, swears obedience and fidelity to the United States Constitution and the Constitution of this State. He does not swear allegiance to a County Commission, bureaucrat, mayor or any politician. Fidelity to the sheriff’s oath requires that he abstain from enforcing any edict or order which lacks constitutional authority. The constitutional sheriff’s duty requires that he resist such edicts and orders and act in such a manner as to shelter and protect the citizenry from all acts of lawlessness, even and especially when they originate from civil authorities.
The Office of Constitutional Sheriff will not in any way assist in the enforcement of any order, edict, mandate, proclamation, directive, regulation, etc., that violates the rights of the people to:
- Keep and bear arms,
- Move about freely,
- Freely express their religious beliefs, and freely engage in the practice thereof
- Freely speak their opinions,
- Assemble,
- choose any medical device they may or may not want suspended, draped or attached to their body,
- Engage in Lawful business activities without interference by representatives of any government, or agency or agent thereof, regardless of any imposed health mandate
- Engage in any other activity protected by the Constitution of the United States or by the Constitution of this State.
A Constitutional Sheriff;

Skagit Peers candidate for Sheriff
- will not assist in the enforcement of any civil action or any criminal charge against any person for trespass which is based on that person’s failure to comply with unconstitutional mandates or orders.
- will arrest, detain, and recommend prosecution of any government official or agent thereof who knowingly and deliberately violates the rights of the people under the pretended authority of an unconstitutional order, edict, mandate, proclamation, directive or regulation.
- will arrest, detain, and recommend prosecution of any government official or agent thereof who uses his or her position or office to influence any private (non-governmental) person or corporation to act in such a way as to coerce any person or entity to comply with unconstitutional orders, edicts, mandates, proclamations, directives or regulations.
- will strictly enforce The Bill of Rights within the jurisdictional boundaries of Skagit County.
- Furthermore, should any county government decide to legislate laws or codes that violate any rights of residents in Skagit county, IT IS THE SWORN DUTY OF A CONSTITUTIONAL SHERIFF to impanel a jury to indict the oath taking official, to arraign and prosecute said miscreant.
However, he will conduct meetings to inform Skagit Peers of their rights and how to protect them.
The People of Skagit County, are entitled to the protection of their God-given and constitutionally protected rights. As the elected chief law enforcement official of this jurisdiction, it is the responsibility, duty and privilege

Skagit Peers Bill of Rights
of the Constitutional Sheriff to do everything in his or her lawful power to protect, defend and secure these rights.
A Constitutional Sheriff is the LAST LINE of Defense for our God given, constitutional guaranteed rights and Liberty.
Kevin Ewing has pledged to the Skagit Peers, a grassroots movement of, We the People, that he will execute his duties to protect Skagit county against all enemies, foreign and domestic that would threaten, rob or infringe these promised Liberties and Rights.
Kevin Ewing is a member of C.S.P.O.A. Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association
God bless America and Skagit County.