Skagit Peers for our children
Skagit Peers is asked every week why we don’t join with other Constitutional groups
because we all believe the same thing…
Once you have read, watched a movie or just come to realize how important the Constitution is today and how politicians are chiseling portions of it away daily, one of three things happen.
1. You become angry and object,
2. You declare you are only one person and it is impossible to do anything, (just don’t want to get involved…)
3. You join others of like mind and do one of two things,
a. Continue to watch movies about how wonderful our forefathers were OR,
b. Join like minded patriots that are actively doing something that our forefathers outlined to correct the problem.
• Skagit Peers believes the Constitutional education is paramount, get it ANYWHERE you can!
• Skagit Peers believes that no matter where you glean your Constitutional education, IT IS GOOD.
• Skagit Peers knows there are other constitutional agreeing groups that meet on Monday, Thursday and Saturday nights.

Skagit Peers we the people
• Skagit Peers is the only Constitutional group that is actively, successfully DOING SOMETHING to insure that our children will have a FREE CONSTITUTIONAL Skagit County to raise their children in.
Skagit Peers teaches that a right surrendered is a right lost forever.
• Skagit peers still believes we have time to save Skagit county.
So far Skagit Peers has:
i. Nominated a Constitutional Sheriff for Skagit County, election 2022.
ii. Prepared a lawsuit to secure all election data from the election, not to change any election but to reveal to the public through a forensic audit, how our votes are being diluted, changed and forever denied.

Grandparents are Skagit Peers
iii. Held the governor, state officials, school officials and local oath takers to the letter of the constitutional law. NOW THEY ARE ALL IN DEFAULT and Skagit Peers will prosecute.
iv. Skagit Peers has advised other counties on how to structure a county Peer organization like ours that will make a difference, not just movie night but saving their county for their children!
Skagit Peers now has garnered over 500 Skagit County Patriots that believe Skagit County is worth saving.
Yes, we would love for you to join forces with Skagit Peers! Join us every other Tuesday night as The DO SOMETHING Skagit Patriots. the movies were great, the talks were refreshing, NOW, we are moving toward Skagit Freedom!
Tuesday November 2 is Voting Night. Out of respect for your vote WE WILL NOT MEET on this night. We are meeting Monday night, November 1 to discuss how we can observe the voting process in person to let the voting officials know we want a just and fair election. We will meet at 7 PM,:
530 Cook Rd,
Sedro Woolley, WA.
Information Page: