Skagit Peers Republic
America is trembling from sea to shining sea. There is a ground swell wave building across America. We are way past ‘woke,’ we are wide awake! America has roused from the sleepy stance of resting on our knees and are now standing, looking and declaring, “THIS is not why our family visits the cemetery, this is not what our gallant veterans lost their lives and limbs for! We are being hoodwinked and robbed, we OBJECT NOW, before it is too late!”
America is wide awake in the rural countryside, America is wide awake in the suburbs, America is wide awake in the city.
What does it take to be a “wide Awake American?”
It takes an armor of ideas to restore America with Rising crime, Fewer police, cartel driven chaos at the wide-open border, unchecked communist countries building up their war machines, and our government plays the violin while nonviolent protestors burn our businesses, our

Skagit Peers for a Free tomorrow
life savings, and our future with their stroke of a pen as we go trillions of dollars further in debt that we will never be able to pay back! Our children deserve better than this, not a sick and rotten debt ridden country.
If you are getting wide awake, then you are joining millions of other nonpartisan Americans in like thinking. If you are tired of being sick and tired of being robbed of your rights, Liberties and an opportunity to pursue happiness, then the answer is NOT just wait for the polls to open in a year and a half;
The answer is to organize now with neighbors and OBJECT loudly by voice and by pen!
- Make it known your organization will not stand for the robbery any longer,
- Run for office, campaign on doing the right thing for America by the constitution,
- Create a media buzz that your peaceful movement will grow to,
- Start a neighborhood group under the umbrella that welcomes all responsible members of your community, that are willing to stand up for Freedom,
- Elect a constitutional sheriff in your county
- Start by watching school boards and commissioners, letting them know when they go off the rails, your organization will be there watching.
- Beware of any politician or oath taking official that suddenly migrates from county official to scientist without any credentials!
- Regain your moral compass and spiritual health by supporting your faith in the manner you sustained life until you were told you could no longer assemble as a family or spiritual body.
- We need to agree to knit the community back together as one America if we are going to restore and save our country.

Skagit Peers County
Skagit Peers welcomes ALL responsible members of the State to join us in making this state a constitutional state again!
Our Mission statement is, “If the constitution was good enough for the first 234 years, it is a requirement from now on!”
Here is a list of groups that are making a difference. Join them, support them and welcome our America home again!
Skagit Peers
Meets every other Tuesday night at 7:00PM
Next Meeting August 10 2021
Eagles Club
1000 Metcalf St.
Sedro Woolley
My Patriots Network

Skagit Peers we the people
https://frankspeech.com/ Aug-10,11,12
American States Assembly
United Patriots of Washington State
Other Washington Patriot Movements
No published meeting times,
https://cspoa.org/ Sheriff Mack CSPOA
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfkCNfDSZJo Dr. Doug Frank
https://proprights.org/ Citizens’ Alliance for Property Rights (CAPR)
Information Page: